All Users of our web site Sunshuttle® (from currently on reffered to as ‘the site’) are automatically thought of to possess scan and accepted all the Terms and Conditions listed below.
The site can not be used with any unlawfull intent. Any criminality by known persons on the location can result in full legal action against that person. All photos and text is forbbiden to be copied or distributed by an or all persons that use the location, the knowledge and concepts contained within the web site can not be employed in any approach by competitors or different known corporations within the trade. Full copyright laws apply to any or all content within the web site.
Users of the sight are by no means that permitted to act on behalf of or use any third person info. If a user of the location will use the location to discredit or explicate of a 3rd party then is in no approach liable for these actions. can operate the location among the laws and rules of the Turkish Trade Practices Act in order that unfair trading and practices don't occur and needs users of the location to act during a similar manner. will and should link Access to different web sites through its own site and is in no approach held liable for the content material or info contained in these sites . These links are provided solely as simple info Access and referances and in no approach is confirmed as truth or truth. is in no approach held in control of the trade practices of different sites linked to its own., is unengaged to regulate pricing controls for any and every one of its services.
Privacy:, is unengaged to check and distribute the IP adresses of unlawfull users to the right authorities. All in different info given on the location are going to be in kept confidential.
Copyright and legal patent pending:
All workers are held accountable to applicable confidentiality agreements and in no approach are permitted to use, distribute or sell any info obtained from the site.
This includes all concepts and content info belonging to Patents are pending on all info, content and concepts contained within the web site.
Pricing Policy:
All pricing is inclusive of vat and per unit per vehicle.
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